Thanks for visiting my itty bitty blog. This is where I update our friends and family on what is going on in our lives. It's also my creative outlet and a fun hobby. I'm working on improving both my photography and my writing and this is my "practice space."
My interests are reflected here: cooking, hiking, photography. We bought a very old house (1883) early in 2013. It's in great shape but as with any big old house there is lots to do to maintain and to turn it into our home. You can see pictures here and here.
When I started a blog I was wedding planning in 2011. We had two dogs and were about to become a family of four feet and eight paws. I ultimately deleted that blog since I didn't have a clear vision for it. (I waivered back and forth between being anonymous and identifiable, between letting our friends and family know about it or keeping it secret.) By the time I restarted this blog in early 2013, we had adopted a cat but the blogspot domain name "Four Feet Twelve Paws" was already taken. So it remained Four Feet Eight Paws. We are a dog people family, so the cat is a third class citizen anyway. I've taken to calling it Four Feet Eightish Paws. Here is the cast of characters:
Roxy is our senior dog. Kevin got her as a puppy just before graduating college. She has moved with him back and forth across the country and has been his steady companion. She welcomed me into the family back in 2008 (I won her over by always sharing my apples with her and taking her hiking on the weekends Kevin worked). She is mostly laid back and easy going but can be very stubborn at times as well. She loves anything that goes into her belly, playing frisbee, and being chased around the house.
Kevin brought Pippa home as a surprise in the fall of 2012. I had wanted a cat for awhile and he thought she might be a good fit for us. He was right, she fits in well with our family and we love her a lot. She had a health scare not long after we got her but she then surprised us. We are not sure exactly what is going on and are hopeful that she will be with us long term.
All the paws get along great, as you can see here.
My intent is to keep this blog mostly anonymous, so if you know us in real life please don't use our last names in the comments and use my nickname "Row." I don't post too many pictures of our faces but here is one I put up not too long ago:
If you are looking for more Four Feet Eightish Paws you can follow me on Instagram and Pinterest (Both under my internet alias "Rowena Coughlin").
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