Road trips equal junk food for me. As soon as we stop for our first gas fill up I'm in there, buying Swedish Fish and Coke. I have always loved that kind of candy (As a kid I used to buy swedish fish and other penny candy with the money my dad gave me for picking potato bugs off his potato plants). I rarely eat it, so it makes me look forward to road trips.
Especially when the road trips end with views like this:
And some more Montana pictures:
We did a 10 mile hike up through Siyeh pass. It was hot but beautiful!
It would probably be in this deer's best interest to be a bit more afraid of humans...
Getting to the pass:
A bighorn sheep:
The tail end of the hike: this was my "I'm ready to be done" face.
We saw these two get married a couple of days later. I am really bummed we had the auto-focus off for this picture :(
Kevin went for a swim in hidden lake
Judging from the size of his belly, this marmot has got it figured out - pose for humans = get food.
We didn't take any pictures of the wedding (didn't want to interfere with the professional), but the above photo was the backdrop. Absolutely gorgeous!
What a beautiful spot for a wedding! I buy Diet Dr Pepper and Sour Patch Kids on road trips. I was about to write "when I'm in the US" but I'm not sure anything in Okinawa qualifies as a road trip considering the whole island is only about 60 miles long.